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Let's select your car brand

  • Sell Maruti car online - Cardekho.com
  • Sell Hyundai car online - Cardekho.com
  • Sell Honda car online - Cardekho.com
  • Sell Toyota car online - Cardekho.com
  • Sell Mahindra car online - Cardekho.com
  • Sell Tata car online - Cardekho.com
  • Sell Ford  car online - Cardekho.com
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How CarDekho Works?

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    Share your car details
    Share the most accurate details and upload clear, recent photos of your car. This helps buyers confidently evaluate your vehicle and potentially offer more.
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    Your Car Details will be reviewed
    Your vehicle details will be verified by our team, once verified your vehicle will be shared with verified buyers through an auction platform.
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    Connect with interested buyer
    Details of potential buyers are shared on your whatsapp. Directly connect with the bidders who offer you the highest price. Sell your car directly to them on the agreed value.
  • faster
    Sell your car to buyer
    Complete the sale of your car at the agreed price. CarDekho charges no commission fees to ensure you receive the exact amount offered by the buyer.

Why sell to CarDekho?

Sell your car in one visit, Get Instant payment & Free RC Transfer

CarDekho.com - 50000+ car bought
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3500 +
Dealers Network
RC transfer process by cardekho
RCs Transferred
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Frequently Ask Questions

Is it free to sell my car in Ajmer

  • Absolutely! We connect you with buyers for free. 🆓

What happens if I receive multiple offers for my vehicle?

  • Sellers have the option to review and consider multiple offers from different buyers before making a decision. They can negotiate terms individually with each buyer to find the best deal.

How long does it take to sell my car?

  • The time it takes to sell a car online can vary depending on factors such as demand, pricing, and vehicle condition. Some sellers may receive offers quickly, while others may take longer to find the right buyer.

What happens if my vehicle doesn't sell within a certain timeframe?

  • If your vehicle doesn't sell within a certain timeframe, you have the option to relist it on the platform or explore other selling options. Our support team can provide guidance and assistance as needed.

Who will be responsible for RC transfer?

  • The responsibility for the RC transfer process typically lies with the buyer of the car. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that the RC (Registration Certificate) is transferred to their name after purchasing the vehicle.

What payment methods are accepted?

  • Payments for vehicle purchases can be made through various methods, depending on the preferences of the buyer and seller. Please ensure that the chosen payment method is secure and agreed upon by both parties involved in the transaction.

Are there any restrictions on pricing my vehicle?

  • While there are no specific restrictions on pricing, we recommend pricing your vehicle competitively based on market trends and conditions. Our Recommended Price Range can help you determine a fair price for your vehicle.

How do I know if a buyer is genuine?

  • While we don't endorse specific buyers, we encourage sellers to research and review buyer profiles before engaging in negotiations. Sellers can also leave feedback based on their experience to help others make informed decisions.

What if I change my mind about selling my car?

  • Sellers have the flexibility to remove their listings at any time if they decide not to proceed with the sale. Simply log in to your account and remove the listing from the platform.

Can I remove my listing?

  • Sure, change your mind? No problem! Just remove your listing anytime. ✋

Is my personal information secure on the platform?

  • Yes, we take the security and privacy of our users' information seriously. All personal data is encrypted and stored securely, and we adhere to strict privacy policies to protect user confidentiality.

What happens if there are issues with the sale or transfer of the vehicle?

  • While we strive to facilitate smooth and successful transactions, we understand that issues may arise. Our support team is available to assist sellers and buyers in resolving any issues that may arise during the sales process.

Am I obligated to accept any offers I receive?

  • No, sellers are not obligated to accept any offers they receive on the platform. You have the freedom to review and consider offers before making a decision.

What happens if my car doesn't sell?

  • No worries! You can easily relist it or explore other options. Flexible car selling options!

Is there a recommended price?

  • Yes! We can help you find a fair market price to get the most out of your sale. Get a fair price for your car!

Sell Car instantly in Ajmer

Home to a number of tourist places, Ajmer is one of the major cities of Rajasthan. It attracts people from all around owing to its rich displays of Indian culture and ethics. With the city facing high temperatures during the summers, people have realised that personal mobility is a must in such harsh conditions. This has led to an influx of demand for used cars in the market.

CarDekho is your one-stop solution for selling your used cars in Ajmer at best and fair price. We assist you throughout your journey, beginning from the valuation of your old car to free RC transfer.

Selling online or through ours provides a seamless and transparent experience with the availability of 3500+ dealerships. Book home inspection with us and we can sell your used car for you in one visit.

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